1 To build a foundation insocial work among the students.

 2 To sensitize the student community on allthe social issues prevailing in the society.

3 The humanisticorientation provides the learner with satisfying experience, so that there ispersonal growth, integrity and autonomy.

4 Enhance capacity toidentify the goals of the profession, relate strategies to these goals anddevelop awareness of one's role as a change agent.

5. To promote necessaryskills of awareness, skills aiming at empowerment of people and skills inculture sensitive methods of social change.

6 Develop criticalunderstanding and application of approaches suggesting holistic conceptualframework for social work practice.

7 Understand and upholdprofessional values and ethics.

8 To provide training inapplying skills in social work practice and social work research in differentfield for achieving desirable change and development.



 On completion of the MSW students are able to-

1 Understand the concept,scope, importance and principles of social A

2 Understand variousfields of social work le. community development Labouré welfare, personnelmanagement industrial relations, human resource management, family and childwelfare, medical and psychiatric social work, tribal welfare, women empowermentchild welfare etc.

3 Understand socialproblems/issues and disorganization  insociety through field work and research dissertation. 4 Learn about methods ofsocial work; case work, group work, community organization, social action, socialwork research, social welfare administration.

5 Learn about researchmethodology in social work.

6 Understand in detailabout gender and society social movement and social welfare in India.

7 Developed professionalethics and skills, code of conduct, behavior with client.

8 The students give chancedeveloped the various skills in order developed their understanding relatetheory practice and for their professional development.

9 Students havedemonstrated the ability to practice according to the value base of theprofession and its ethical standards and principles.
